Come Explore God More & Soar in 2024 with These Speakers
We couldn't be more excited about our lineup. Which sessions will you be checking out?
Get ready to have the best 2024 possible. It starts with your relationship with God.
Come experience exponential growth with these godly women speakers.
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Full Access Pass
Live Broadcasts and Replays
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Gain instant access to all the sessions for anytime viewing. This ticket includes all of the sessions plus ongoing access to the free gift offers from the speakers, so you don't miss a thing!
Annual Access Pass
Live Broadcasts and Replays
All content available
Includes All-Access-Passes to THIS plus all future 2024 Summits. That's 9 summit sets for just $99. PLUS, you'll gain instant and ongoing access to all Marnie's online resources in the ongoing Mentorship Program at https://www.marnie.com/learngrow.html including her group coaching program, bootcamps, webinars, Q&As, Laser Intensives, books (in eVersion) and more -- all for this low one-time price. ($3500 value)
Need a Godly Role Model or Mentor?
These godly, go-getters live from a Biblical worldview and will focus your heart onto Jesus. Register now for the sessions you might join.

Marnie Swedberg is committed to helping you explore and soar more in 2024! As a mentor to millions, she invites women to, "Come sit on Daddy's lap." Her mission is to encourage you, provide you with practical help and turn your thoughts toward Jesus.
Minutes with Marnie will fill you with courage, help you clarify your God-given goals, lead to "aha" insights, result in perspective transformation, and skyrocket your delight in life.
Marnie is the host of a #1 ranked and featured weekly radio talk show, author of 14 books, has appeared on over 1000 media outlets, is a keynote speaker having spoken on six continents, and the founder/director of the Christian Women's Speakers Directory. Learn more at www.Marnie.com.
Register Today for the March 12, Healthy Living Summit!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who is this for?
A. Any woman who wants to grow spiritually from a Biblical worldview.
Q. What is it?
A. It's a one-day, virtual event where Christian Women speakers share their own favorite insights, practices and principles for living a godly life. The goal is to know God more, love Him more deeply, and let Him flow through our lives to others, all for the glory of God, and our delight now and forever.
Q. I'm having login, sign-up, 404 or viewing issues.
A. Please visit https://www.marnie.com/twm23_faqs.html for help.
Q. Do I need Zoom or any other special connections?
A. Not at all. You just watch on this site. If you want to participate in the live text chats, you do need a free YouTube account.
Q. Is there a fee?
A. On "summit day" the live sessions are 100% free. The only cost is if you choose to upgrade to the All Access Pass for access to the replays for this summit or choose the Mentorship Membership Annual Pass (which includes the full year of summit replays plus Group Mentorship).
Q. What if I want to watch two sessions that are streaming at the same time, or to watch something I can't catch live?
A. The All Access Pass is perfect for either scenario.
Q. Is there a guarantee?
A. Absolutely! We're so sure you're going to love it that if you aren't 100% satisfied, you get a full refund, no questions asked, for up to 90 days. Now that's a guarantee!
Q. A question not addressed above?
A. Reach out to [email protected] and we'll get back to you ASAP. Our goal is for you to have an enjoyable, stress-free experience!